Корзина пуста
Журнал изменений: Массовое изменение статусов заказов
[2.1.0] - 03.11.2023
- Оптимизация Базовые обновления безопасности модуля
[2.0.1] - 07.09.2020
- Fixed issue on some server configurations error on changing order status to same status.
[2.0] - 11.12.2019
- Added possibility to receive addon updates via upgrade center instantly
Cs-cart version 4.11.1 have core issue with send mail function and it was fixed on 4.11.2, is not recommended to use this addon only with 4.11.1 cscart version with mail notification checkbox. We recommend upgrade your cs-cart version from 4.11.1 to 4.11.2.
[1.0] - 30.11.2018
- First addons release.
Cs-cart version 4.11.1 have core issue with send mail function and it was fixed on 4.11.2, is not recemended to use this addon with only with 4.11.1 cscart version with mail notification checkbox. We recomend upgrade your cs-cart version from 4.11.1 to 4.11.2